WELCOME TO MR1PUTT.COM. I’m a golf nut named John. When I first started playing golf, I realized that putting is the one area where anyone can be as good or almost as good as the professionals. So I set out to learn everything I could about putting and become the best putter possible. Soon friends and playing partners were asking me for putting and green reading tips and lessons. A student suggested I start a YouTube channel to help more people, so I did. That quickly created a need for this website to help you make more putts.
Things to Know
Here are links to more information and everything you need to know about Mister One Putt

One this site I constantly add new content to help you do just that. Here’s a list of what you can find on Mr1putt.com
- One Putt Golf Online Store
- BLOG & VLOG Posts on putting theory to help you understand what makes balls roll and putter faces stay square to the target line.
- PUTTING TIPS and DRILLS to help you make more putts, plus
- PRODUCT REVIEWS to help you find exactly what you need and save money by not buying crap you don’t need. I’ll cover everything from putters to training aids to balls, clothes, shoes and more and for every budget.
- And finally, SOME PURELY FUN CONTENT because golf is hard and we take it so seriously, we all need to laugh sometimes.